Tavern Makina

Makina Tavern is definitely one of the must-see places for all those who spend the summer in Vodice, and its attractive offer, location and appearance attracts visitors.

We are sure that for many years we did not disappoint our guests, as well as gastronomic offer, exciting fun until the early morning hours. After good food in the taver , you can expect many refreshment bars on Makina cocktail bar. For our guests we have prepared many surprises for this season, we are confident that no one will be disappointed!

We expect you!

Pizza delivery: +385 (0)95 4400 151

Makina Club

Are you ready for unforgettable night out? See you at the most crazy summer parties right next to sea!

Makina Tavern

It's the best choice for hanging out and tasting our delicious food. Pizza delivery: +385 (0)95 4400 151

Makina Accommodation

Greater capacity and new modern rooms at Makina Accommodation. Enjoy your stay at our and luxurious rooms.

Perfect view

Wake up all your senses with the smell of the sea and diverse gastro offer with the most amazing view on Vodice

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